Try XWiki

Last modified by Vincent Massol on 2024/03/21

Cloud and Hosted

Professional Cloud and Hosted offers are available from our companies sponsoring contributions to the XWiki Open Source Project:

11 committers


Host with us and get your wiki up and running in no time, in a stable and secure environment.

XWiki Cloud
See the full list of  sponsoring companies for XWiki?


Playground is a test instance on that you can use in order to discover some of XWiki's features.

Note that the wiki is unmoderated and its content is reset automatically every day. is a community farm dedicated to non-profit organisations and individuals.

Note that this instance is meant as a real world test instance and there is no uptime and support warranty of any sort. Also you won't be granted Programming Rights on it.

You can also download and install XWiki on premises.

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